Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My First Crossfit Shots!

So I am a Crossfitter and I will admit that it is kind of a cult but I love it and it keeps me in shape. Also, like many other women, I want to look good in a bikini! Those pictures will come around when this cold weather goes away. It freaking snowed today and it made me sad. Oh well, I got over it like a minute ago....what was I talking about? Anyway I think the pictures I took look good and my fellow Crossfitter was an excellent candidate and very photogenic.

 I heart box jumps!

Resting in between muscle ups

It was great photo op and it turned out a bit blurry but he was moving fast!

A great athlete and strong.

I have to say tire flips are my favorite and make great photo ops!

Just so peaceful!

We had a lot of fun and the fact she did all of this after a full blown crossfit workout is impressive!

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