Monday, April 15, 2013

New York New York

Currently enjoying New York and having a blast. I have truly enjoyed everything about this city and have realized I can find my through anything when lost. In the few days I have been here, I've been all over Manhattan, had the best bacon Bloody Mary, eaten best hamburger in my life at the Spotted Pig, got lost in the city, learned how to navigate the subway system, and made friends with almost every Italian bar owner of all the bars we have been to! I heart Arturo's Pizzeria Arturo's - Greenwich Village !

Me admiring the view from my friends apartment.

Peculier Pub 145 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012

Peculier Pub 145 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012

 Loved these Bacon Bloody Mary's at Mercury Bar - 9th Ave, Manhattan, NY

The Ski line View from Club Jimmy!
 Had to get a handstand for my Crossfit!

His music was inspiring


Just a beautiful picture

Me being silly

This couple really caught my eye.

This city really amazes me.

Playing around and found this shot interesting.

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